Ripon Chiropractor offers Class IV Laser Treatments

Doctor's Corner

I was born in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin in 1930. Dr. Gonstead was my doctor from birth. He was also my mentor and guided me all through Palmer College and mentored me in his teachings. I started my practice in Wisconsin in February 1955. Yes, that equates to about 52 years.
During all the years of my practice, I have always been happy with my results as a Chiropractor and enjoyed helping sick people get well, but there was always certain conditions I could do nothing for or only help them partially.
One day a few weeks ago Dr. Hall called me and asked me to come to his office to see something new. It immediately excited me when I saw the results he was getting on conditions such as I mentioned above.
I bought the Class IV Laser as soon as possible. The results I have had and the happiness it has brought to my patients is mind boggling.
I can not give you examples of specific cases because they are so numerous. I have had excellent results treating arthritic knees, shoulders, hands, as well as carpal tunnel, tennis elbows and on and on.
I will say this, if you are a chiropractor and enjoy getting sick people well, a Class IV Therapeutic Laser is a must in your practice. You and the world will be better for it.
L. M. Tvedt, D.C.
Ripon Chiropractic Clinic
115 West Main Street
Ripon, CA 95366
Telephone: (209) 599-4196